Different types of Occupational Therapy Specialities

June 3, 2019 , In: Health & Fitness , With: No Comments

 Occupational therapy

Occupational therapy, even as a subsection of therapy is still quite a large encompassing term. In this article, we will look at different types of occupational therapy jobs, careers paths and specialities that can be found within occupational therapy.

One, quite broad, specialisation in occupational therapy is mental health. It is apparent that occupational therapy and mental health would crossover, but this specialisation is one which makes an occupational therapist fully aware of the relationship between lifespan issues, physical disabilities, life changing accidents etc. and how that relates to mental health in terms of fulfilling occupational roles. So, this is a worthwhile area of specialisation if you are wishing to stay within a field of general occupational therapy but want a deeper understanding.

Another route is to specialize in pediatric occupational therapy. A child’s day to day activities, especially in their early years are filled with playing, learning and socialising. These are all key aspects that are vital in their development. As a pediatric occupational therapist, it will be your role to help children with mental health and special educational needs in these pursuits.

Physical rehabilitation is often a key part of occupational therapy. Specialising in this area, or taking extra levels of certification within physical rehabilitation can help enhance your career. It allows you to base your career in terms of helping those who have had life-changing accidents, and have had a severe change in capabilities.

Another huge aspect of occupational therapy is mobility. There are many types of specialisation fields within mobility. A few that can enhance your career are additional courses to help those with mobility to learn to drive, take public transport and to practice different walking exercises and patterns. These types of qualification allow your knowledge of mobility to be extended further than that of basic movement and dexterity issues.

Finally, additional courses in environmental modification can help occupational therapists who wish to specialise in modifying or adapting a patient’s home, office or school. This is a way in which you can find yourself in more of a consultancy role than other occupational therapist positions. As you are going into everything on a case by case basis area. Examining and then offering your advice on how to best optimise a given space. This should be considered if you are looking for constant variety within your role as an occupational therapist.