Could Identity Theft Come into Your Life?

May 11, 2018 , In: Tech , With: No Comments

There are many things you want to avoid in life.

One such thing to do your best to steer clear of is identity theft.

With that in mind, are you doing all you can to avoid becoming the next identity theft victim?

If the answer is no, do you think you can stay safe and not be the next victim of identity theft at some point in your life?

Criminals Could Make You Their Next Target

In doing what you can to avoid I.D. theft, remember these pointers:

1. Protection plan – If you think getting a protection plan is a waste of your time, think again. Such a plan could be the difference between being the next victim and steering clear of such hassles. With that being the case, it would behoove you to see what protection plans are out there. For example, what about trying to find a LifeLock discount? Whether you go with LifeLock or another top brand, know there are savings when you search around. With the right plan in place, you are much better protected against identity theft.

2. Using commonsense – Unfortunately, too many folks don’t use commonsense with their identities. As such, they can put themselves in a vulnerable position. As an example, you go to a public library to use a computer and decide to charge something with your credit card. You set the card down to then go print out the receipt from what you bought. In only a matter of seconds, someone jots down the card number on the front and security number on the back. Now, the individual has your credit card information. If you do not think it can happen, think again. Always be smart about not leaving your personal info out there for exposure.

3. Computer safety away from home – Are you one who travels for business or pleasure? The last thing you’d want to have happen on a trip is a thief getting your personal information. With that in mind, be extra cautious using computers when away from home. An example of this would be if staying in a hotel. Many hotels will have public computers available. These often will be in a lobby area. As such, anyone and everyone can use them. Can you be 100 percent certain that the computer you use is not vulnerable to hacking? Guessing the answer is no, never do any sensitive acts on such machines. This includes stuff like personal banking. Before you know it, you could have left your online checking account info exposed.

4. When you have children – Last, if you have children at home, it is important to remind them of computer safety. That said make sure your child does not give out any personal details when online. Until they are a certain age, you should be monitoring their computer activities. The last thing you want is for them to say where you live, where you bank, and other pertinent personal details.

In trying to keep identity theft out of your life, will you make all the right moves?