How to Choose between the Different Sauna Rooms

May 31, 2018 , In: DIY / Home Improvement , With: No Comments

If you would like to have a sauna in your home, you may find yourself quite overwhelmed with the different sauna rooms to choose from. It is important that you learn to understand which variables you should take into consideration comma which means you have to do your research to avoid any misleading information period whichever sauna room you choose, you will have to make a substantial investment. At the same time, this pays off because the value of your home increases and you also get a lot of health benefits. Let’s take a look at the things you should consider before you purchase a sauna room.

Sauna Rooms Considerations

  1. Make sure you choose the right song a size. Consider how many people will use it at the same time. Naturally, if you will always use the sauna on your own, you don’t need one that can easily fit 12 people. Additionally, make sure that you never choose a sauna with a ceiling height above 7 Foot and that is simply wasted air space.
  2. Think about whether you want an indoor or an outdoor sauna. Should you opt for the latter, than the quality of the construction, particularly the roof, is a vital importance. It will also require a larger heater although most people opt for a wood fired burner. If this is what you do, be aware of the fact that these can get incredibly hot.
  3. Decide on your sauna door. It is up to you to decide whether you wish to use your song that wearing a swimming costume or in the nude, was in the latter case you may want to have a privacy door. Glass doors of popular because they make the room look bigger but they also provide an unobstructed view inside. Additionally, they are not as good at keeping the heat in.
  4. Determine how you will heat your sauna. Your options are gas, wood, electric, or infrared period the first three work by heating up the room itself, where is the infrared heater only warm up your body. Each has their own pros and cons. The wood being the most traditional and rustic but hardest to run, the infrared is the most expensive to purchase but providing the greatest health benefits, and the electric and gas being the most environmentally unfriendly while at the same time providing a realistic sauna feel.
  5. Determine how you will ventilate your room. It is important to have fresh air into the sauna and that it can property circulate. Fresh air should be drawn in and moist air should be expelled.

Another thing to consider is whether you want to purchase a DIY sauna kit or whether you would prefer a modular kit. There are no right or wrong answers in this, it simply depends on your personal preferences and your abilities. The modular kit is generally more expensive but it will also come with better warranties and you will be guaranteed of the fact that it is installed properly.