Cool and cold: How to look your best in winter

December 18, 2018 , In: Fashion , With: No Comments

Some people love it, while others just can’t wait for it to be over. Unless you either live in a permanently hot climate, or are able to hop from country to country between seasons, winter is something that is happening. Like it or not.

Of course, this means that you have to adapt accordingly. As the title might have already given away, today’s post is going to focus on your clothing.

In other words, in a bid to make sure that you look your best during the winter months, make sure you follow these tips.

Make layering your cold savior

The problem with winter isn’t that you have to look the part, but you also can’t freeze to death as well. It means that one of the best approaches you can take on is layering.

The next time you visit REISS, make sure that the garments that you are buying will layer and compliment others in your wardrobe. Think you will be OK in that skirt you bought in autumn? Think again. There’s every chance that you might have to put this over a pair of pants. Of course, in doing this you really have to make sure that your clothes complement each other accordingly.

The point we’re trying to make is that layering is fine, but you need to put a bit of thought into it as well.

Belts might be your best friend

We’ve all heard about belts and how they can be used effectively in umpteen scenarios. However, most of the time these topics are all about how you can use them to make you look thinner than you really are.

When it comes to winter, you might have to use them to add a bit of variation into your wardrobe. We all know that those thick, wintery garments can cost a small fortune to purchase and when it comes to coats, some people just can’t afford to purchase more than one per season (or in some cases, even less frequently).

To ensure that you don’t look the same every day, this is where you need to get creative. Belts can help you enormously with this, and can at least “split” a coat to ensure that it clinches and looks much different to its “original” state.

Embrace the scarf

There’s no doubt that the scarf has pretty much reinvented itself over the last few years. Once regarded as something that may have bordered on feminine, in the last few decades it has become completely fashionable for all.

However, even though they now might be open to the masses, that doesn’t mean to say that you need to wear them like everyone else. While most people will be wearing it in the “traditional” way around their neck, this doesn’t have to be the case. Instead, you can opt to wear it around other parts of your body. In some cases, you can double it up as a belt, while you can push the boat out even more in some cases and turn to it as a head scarf.

The point we’re trying to make is that you don’t have to be boring with these – push boundaries and see how far you can take your winter look.