Upgrade Your Squad Skills With An Axe Throwing Experience

November 17, 2018 , In: Business , With: No Comments

Maybe you’ve been here: you have a busy schedule and so do your friends. Getting together is nearly impossible as people’s lives start to take shape. Between work, family, relationships, and obligations, establishing a window of time for you and your friends to get together and unwind is no easy feat. 

Nothing promotes attendance like structure. Establishing a regular date and time to meet your friends takes off some of the pressure of having to plan a new activity any time you want to see each other. You don’t have to quadruple-check everyone’s calendars before making a plan because you know when and under what circumstances you’re going to spend time together. 

“What Should We Do?”

Maybe you’re having trouble getting together when it’s the same old fare. There’s nothing wrong with meeting regularly for your local restaurant’s chicken wing happy hour, but maybe you’re looking for something that promises a bit more excitement and newness to your lives. 

Out of all the activities you and your squad could turn to, it could be time to put together an axe throwing team as a way to flex your competitive muscles and enjoy each other’s company.   A weekly axe throwing league is a great way to get together with your pals and even meet new people in a fun and competitive atmosphere. You don’t need to have ever thrown an axe before, coaches from an organization like the Backyard Axe Throwing League (BATL) will guide you and give you tips to improve your game.

It’s Important To Have Fun

All work and no play will turn anyone dull. It’s important to make time for leisure activities outside of work to live a balanced life and to stay productive in what you do. There are some serious health benefits to having fun with friends, though. The truth is, we need to have fun in life, as it affects every aspect of our wellbeing.

Having fun really does matter. It gives you something to look forward to, it provides balance alongside your obligations, it gives you the chance to recharge thereby improving your stamina, and it aids your productivity. Feeling happier is one of the main reasons to include fun in your life, and there are many ways to do it. When it comes to planning for fun among our friends, however, there’s nothing like a competitive activity or sport to get everyone engaged.

The “Me” In Team

Aside from the boost to your morale, joining a team has positive health benefits for team members. When you take part in a team-sport experience, you have the chance to meet new people or to spend more quality time with the people you may already know but don’t get to see enough. 

Taking part in a team activity like weekly axe throwing gives you some regular exercise, builds stronger relationships, improves your communication skills, and promotes self-esteem. You’re doing something good for yourself and your friendships when you’re a part of a team—axe throwing is just one way you can do yourself some good.