Interesting facts about the Turks and Caicos Islands

January 11, 2021 , In: Travel , With: No Comments

Originally inhabited by the Tainos (also known as the Lucayans) indigenous people since the 8th century, the island was first conquered by the Europeans in the early 1500s. Cotton, salt (George Washington’s favorite type), sponge and hemp became important commodities produced in the colonial times, which was controlled by the Spanish, French and British Empires.

In the 20th century Turks and Caicos became a separate colony from the United Kingdom. With American investments starting from the 1960s, the islands increased its tourism capacity and a boom in resort and leisure facilities construction started in the 1980s and 1990s. Nowadays, tourism accounts for more than one-third of Turks and Caicos economy, followed by financial services.

Turks and Caicos has some of the most impressive natural landscapes in all of the Caribbean. With more than 200 miles of beautiful beaches and dozens of underwater cave systems, this is a popular destination for travelers looking for a unique nature experience in the 40 islands that comprise the archipelago. With 44% of its territory consisting of natural reserves, historical sites and parks, it ranks 5th in the world for protected area as a percentage of total mass.

Beaches Turks and Caicos is the best option if you are planning a vacation in the islands. Located in Providenciales, the largest city with top-notch infrastructure, Beaches provide all-inclusive packages for you and your family. See more in

Recently, the beaches have reopened amid the coronavirus pandemic, following all health standards to protect its visitors and inhabitants. For just married couples that are looking for a remarkable and unique experience, Beaches Turks and Caicos is definitely recommended. Read more about it in