How to Leverage Instagram and Pinterest for Your Business by SimplyGram Reviews

October 30, 2021 , In: Business , With: No Comments

Pinterest and Instagram may be the hottest platforms to get your brand seen by a wider audience. In this article, the folks at SimplyGram Reviews give you five tips on using these two powerful social media tools for your business.

1) Pin from Instagram

We have been preaching this tip for years now… It’s still true! Simply pinning your best Instagram postings to Pinterest can drive massive traffic. There is a catch, though… Remember, Pinterest is known as the Search Engine… While Facebook posts automatically pull images from your posts to your company’s Facebook page, Instagram does not do that for other platforms. The workaround: Upload all of your best images and videos directly to Instagram first, then go through and pin them one by one to Pinterest. We recommend using Boardbooster for this purpose.

2) Integrate Your Google My Business Page with Instagram and Pinterest

This is similar to taking advantage of Facebook’s image posting feature, but we wanted to highlight this tip because it can be a huge timesaver and will help you manage your digital marketing plan. Instagram and Pinterest are both Google properties, so if you post a picture from your business to either of these platforms, they will automatically be pulled back into your Google My Business page. You can also see how often the picture has been pinned/liked/shared on each of these social media sites, which is a great way to measure engagement.

3) Use Hashtags on Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter

Hashtags are a great way to get your business seen by more people. They are an important part of the social media conversation. Make sure you have several hashtags selected for each posting so that it can be found through search. You can use up to 30 hashtags per post on Instagram!

4) Manage Your Business’ Social Media Posts with a Social Media Management Tool

Social media is highly time-consuming. If you are running several social media platforms, hiring someone to manage your accounts every day can be very expensive. That’s why using a social media management tool can come in handy. Hootsuite, Buffer, and Boardbooster are all great social media management tools that allow you to schedule your posts in advance. You can use these platforms to create a content calendar for each of your social media accounts, so you’re never posting at the wrong time.

5) Promote Your Best Postings on Other Platforms

One of the best ways to get even more value from your social media efforts is to promote your best postings on other platforms. Beyond just sharing the post again on Facebook or Twitter, you can also share it on LinkedIn or Google+. You can also find groups on LinkedIn that are relevant to your businesses and post articles there every week to gain some followers. Pinterest is a new opportunity to promote your best postings on other platforms. You can pin a post from your blog or website and share it as a promotion on Pinterest.

Happy Pinning!