Federal Employers Liability Act

June 10, 2021 , In: Business , With: No Comments

Working on the railroad is dangerous business and if you or a loved one works for a railroad you must be aware of all of the rights available to you. Chicago workers compensation attorneys are well versed in this area of law and can offer advice, but why wait until an unfortunate accident to occur to learn the government backed programs that protect your rights as a worker. Passed in 1908, the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA) was created specifically to protect the rights and safety of railroad workers. Illinois railroad accident lawyers have been using this act in favor of their clients for over a century and FELA was actually enacted long before the passage of state workers’ compensation laws. There is a lot to know about FELA so we can start with the basics.

First of all, for easy reference, here is a list of damages an employer is responsible for if you are injured on the job due to justifiable negligence:

  • Past and Future Medical Expenses (not covered by employee insurance)
  • Past and Future Wage Loss
  • Loss of Earnings Capacity
  • Partial/Permanent Disabilities
  • Disfigurement/Scarring
  • Physical/Mental Suffering

As with any federal law, the Federal Employers’ Liability Act requires you to prove the negligence of your employer which is where a trusted and experienced Chicago workers compensation attorney comes in. All injured railroad employees are entitled to trial by jury in either a State or Federal Court system. Once liability is proven, injured employees are entitled to compensation for a full range of related damages which are partially listed above.

Seeking the representation of an Illinois railroad accident lawyer is highly recommended, especially one who is well versed in Federal Employers Liability Act lawsuits. Studies have shown that even with a reasonable amount evidence, attempting to file a lawsuit on your own is not nearly as successful as when you have an accident claims lawyer in your corner. All of the top Chicago workers compensation attorneys in the area will give you a free consultation regarding your Federal Employers Liability Act lawsuit so you have nothing to lose and no obligation. Your case could be worth millions – do the right thing and ask for a free consultation today.