Books About Metabolism You Need To Know About

September 30, 2022 , In: Health & Fitness , With: No Comments

Metabolic health is one of the most critical aspects of overall health and well-being. A slow metabolism doesn’t mean you are out of the health and wellness game. There are many ways to address a slow metabolism, and something we all must do as we age. There are plenty of books about metabolism and professionals who can help navigate you through. Unfortunately, knowing where to start to improve things like metabolic health can be challenging, especially if you’re just learning about it. Whether you’re looking for weight loss tips, improving your cholesterol levels, or learning more about metabolism, a little reading material can go a long way. 

Books about metabolism are in demand, and thankfully there are plenty of them on the market today. And the good news is that many authors cover the same base topic from different angles and perspectives (and educational backgrounds). 

For example, “The Complete Guide to Fasting,” by Dr. Jason Fung, explores the ancient practice of fasting for medicinal purposes. Dr. Fung explains that in recent years, fasting has gained popularity as a weight-loss tool. While there are many different types of fasting, they share one common goal: to improve your health and well-being by giving the body a break from digesting food. He explains the growing evidence around fasting having potent effects on the body. For those with diabetes, he outlines how intermittent fasting can boost metabolism and impact blood sugar levels. Check out his book for various guides to the different types of fasting practices. 

Another book about metabolism worth reading is “Smart Fat” by Dr. Steven Masley and Dr. Jonny Bowden. This masterpiece book about metabolism is about the benefits of including healthy fats in your diet. The book starts by busting some common myths about fat, like the idea that all fat is bad for you. It then explains the different types of fat and their respective benefits. 

After reading Smart Fat, check out “Glucose Revolution” by Jessie Inchauspe. The “glucose goddess” offers a book about metabolism for anyone interested in learning more about glucose’s important role in the human body. The book begins with a brief overview of the part of glucose and the dangers of uncontrolled blood sugar. Inchauspé then discusses types of diabetes, symptoms, and the importance of diet and exercise in regulating blood sugar levels. The book also includes a variety of recipes and meal plans designed to help readers control their blood sugar. 

One of the issues we all have when dealing with a slow metabolism is the exercise part of the required regimen. Diet and exercise are the keys to health and wellness, but they can be challenging to create and maintain with so many opportunities to cheat. One way to address the exercise pessimist is outlined in the book about metabolism written by Mark Sisson and Brad Kearns titled “Primal Endurance.” This book presents a new approach to endurance training based on ancestral health principles. It explores how simple living can help optimize health by explaining how our ancestors lived active, healthy lives without the need for formal exercise or strict diets. 

Lastly, if you are a fan of “The Complete Guide to Fasting” by Dr. Jason Fung, check out his other book, “The Diabetes Code.” This book offers a groundbreaking new approach to preventing and reversing type 2 diabetes. Drawing on cutting-edge research, he shows that the key to managing diabetes is to focus on the underlying hormonal imbalance that leads to high blood sugar levels. Dr. Fung argues that it’s possible to effectively manage diabetes and avoid the severe complications of uncontrolled blood sugar by normalizing this imbalance. In addition, by following his recommendations for diet and lifestyle, readers can dramatically reduce their risk of developing diabetes in the first place. 

As mentioned, there is no shortage of books about metabolism, so get out there and start exploring the many options available to deal with diabetes and slow metabolisms.