7 Tips to Keep the Bathroom Safe for Older People

July 12, 2021 , In: DIY / Home Improvement , With: No Comments

Older people have difficulty moving around, so things around the house must be easily accessible for their convenience. Since their body is weak, they can also easily fall, so safety is also a priority. The bathroom is one of the areas of the house that pose more risk because it’s often wet, it’s hard, and there are edges. It’s vital to keep it safe for the use of an older family member. Here are some ways on how to do that.

Invest in a walk-in shower enclosure or bathtub

It’s difficult for older adults to step into a bathtub or shower. There are options on how to make it more accessible. If they prefer a shower, a walk-in shower enclosure is perfect because it doesn’t have any step or door. It effectively prevents water from going all over the bathroom while allowing easy access. There are also walk-in bathtubs that come with doors that you can quickly open or close. 

Install grab bars where needed

The grab bars will serve as support. Your loved ones can move around without worrying that they may fall as they can grab on the bars to keep their balance. It can also lessen the impact of falling because, if they do for some reason, holding on to these bars can save them.

Clear bathroom from clutter

One of the common reasons for falls, aside from a slippery floor, is tripping. Clear the bathroom with things that could trip them. Minimise the items to the ones they need and ensure that they are not all over the floor. 

Use transfer bench for bathtubs

If there is already an existing bathtub and it’s not a walk-in bathtub, use a transfer bench. It will help your elderly to move inside the tub without exerting much effort. Some benches have seats that do not move, so the person needs to move sideways to get in the tub. Others have sliding seats, which make them more convenient. 

Go for a raised toilet seat

Older people have difficulty sitting and getting up. A raised toilet seat can make it easier for them to sit and get up. Go for one that has grab bars on both sides for extra support and convenience. They can grab the bar when using the toilet, so they don’t have to exert much effort. 

Set water temperature

Elders have more sensitive skin. It is also thinner than the skin of younger ones, so water temperature should not be too hot as they can suffer from burns. Set the maximum water temperature to 120 Fahrenheit to avoid injuries. Also, label the taps so it will be easy for them to determine which one is for the cold and hot water. 

Use non-slip decals

Slippery floors can lead to falls. Mats can cause tripping, so it’s better to use non-slip decals to prevent slipping and falling. There are also non-slip tapes that you can use aside from decals. 

Keep the elderly safe with these bathroom safety tips. Furthermore, make things like soaps, shampoos, and other bathroom essentials within easy reach for their convenience.