Top 5 Kitchen Essentials For a New Home

May 23, 2022 , In: DIY / Home Improvement , With: No Comments

For the majority of us, kitting out a new home entirely is something which takes time and cannot be done all at once. The best approach is to focus on the necessary items first, and then slowly but surely invest in more furnishings and touches for the home. There are few rooms in the home as important as the kitchen which is why today we are going to be looking at 5 absolute essentials which you will need to purchase when you first get the keys to your new home. 

Kitchen Bin 

No room in the home produces as much garbage as the kitchen which is exactly why you need a good quality bin. Given the type of food waste which the bin will be used for, it is important to invest in a good quality bin which keeps odors out. Consider a free standing kitchen bin which can be moved around when needed and makes for easy emptying when full. 


Even if your culinary skills have graduated beyond using the microwave, this is still a very handy feature to have in the kitchen which is going to see a lot of usage over time. From easy meals to reheating, a microwave is an essential appliance which you should look to include in your kitchen. 

Crockery and Cutlery 

Believe it or not investing in crockery and cutlery isn’t cheap, but in doing so you will be able to make sure that you have a uniform selection in your kitchen, and not a collection of plates, bowls and forks with different styles. This is well worth doing not only from a usage point of view, but also because it gives your home its own sense of character, especially when everything matches! 

Pots and Pans

Pots and pans are essential for your new home, and it really does depend on your budget as to what exactly you will buy and what quantity of cookware you decide to purchase. You can opt for lower cost options, but they cannot always deliver when it comes to cooking quality or durability. With this being said however if money is tight, you can still pick up some good quality cookware which will see you through your first year. 

Coffee Maker 

Many may not consider a coffee maker as an essential item but if you begin each day with a cup of Joe then it is going to be an appliance which sees more use than any other. There is an enormous range of coffee makers out there from the basic filter and pot to the more expensive options which can deliver a range of coffee styles. Not only will this purchase make sure that you get a nice cup of coffee to start your day, it will also fill the kitchen with a delightful scent, which is worth the cost of the product alone. 

These are our top 5 picks for products which you should look to buy in the kitchen when you first move into your home