How To Help Keep Your Teen Off of Drugs

September 6, 2021 , In: Health & Fitness , With: No Comments

Drug abuse has an adverse effect on your teenager’s life. In other words, your child puts their health at risk when they suffer from drug addiction. So how do you keep your teens off drugs? This article talks about the prevention methods and how to help your child seek help when they take drugs.

Drug addiction prevention methods

Parents should play a pivotal role when it comes to helping their teens stay away from drugs and alcohol. Below are some of the preventative methods convenient for keeping your teen off of drugs.

  • Be a good role model. 

As a parent, being a good role model is vital, especially if you want to teach your kids about good morals. For instance, if you’re to drink, do it in moderation, especially when around your kids. Also, avoid taking any drugs or substance abuse around your teenagers or even exposing them to places or scenes that might give them an idea of the vice.

  • Open discussion

Communicating openly with your teen about the harmful effects of drug abuse is essential. Having a candid discussion about how taking drugs affects their mental and psychological well-being is among the best preventative measures.

  • Have a close relationship with your kids

The more time you spend with your teenagers and understand them, the more they trust you. By giving them undivided attention and being available for them, typically builds a strong bond. Its, therefore, advisable to create a personal relationship with them through spending quality time together.

  • Know your child’s friends

It’s always wise to know who your teen spends time with. If you’re suspicious that they spend time in bad company, invite their friend’s over and get to know who they are in person. If you have the slightest clue that your kids friends are drugs users, talk to your teen about it and emphasize on the consequences of drug abuse.

How to help a teen who is doing drugs

  • To a drug test

Carrying out a drug test, particularly a 5 panel drug test, is recommended, especially when it comes to trying to establish what particular drug is in your teen’s system. This drug test typically looks for drug abuse substances such as Cocaine, Opiates, THC, Amphetamines, and PCP.

  • Get professional help

The first step to take when your teen is a drug addict is to get professional help. Seek the services of a counselor or medical practitioner who knows more about drug abuse and how they can stop addiction. The earlier your child gets medical help, the better it is for them to have a drug-free future.

  • Closely monitor their progress

It’s equally important to monitor your teen’s progress when they are undergoing treatment. Look out for the tell-tale signs of their health condition and whether or not there are positive signs of recovery.


Reaching out as a parent is usually one of the best ways to help your teenage son or daughter who you suspect of abusing drugs. It’s always never too early to start having a conversation about drug abuse with your child. The earlier you have the conversation, the higher the likelihood of them avoiding drugs.