How The Pandemic Has Been For Chicago’s Best Plastic Surgeons

October 9, 2021 , In: Health & Fitness , With: No Comments

It is fair to say that those in the medical community have had a very tough year indeed, and they have all proven just how incredible they truly are. Another area of medicine however which has had a tough year for different reasons, are those who work in cosmetic surgery. Chicago best plastic surgeons have had a challenging year, just like so many businesses and the arrival of the pandemic and the subsequent lockdown really had a dramatic impact on their businesses. As many of you will know and understand, those working in cosmetics are a business, and not being able to operate meant that many had to make tough decisions once lockdown was announced.

Maintaining Staff

The government eventually did help to supplement some staff wages once the lockdown came, but prior to that there were many clinics which took money out of their own pockets to support their teams. What you will often find in cosmetic surgery clinics is that they are a small team and a tight knit one, this of course made things much harder. As the lockdown wore on, some here in the city were forced to lay off some workers. As things are now picking up in the city, in terms of reopening at least, there is the hope that those workers can be rehired. The worry now is if Gov. Pritzker decides to take the city from Phase 4 of the reopening, back to Phase 3.

Changing Measures in Clinics

Much like so many businesses which were reopening, here had to be a big change with regards to how the clinics operated, even more so for those operating in this industry. Now of course these clinics are already incredibly clean and they are maintain brilliantly so as to ensure the maximum safety to the patient. Plastic surgeons had to double down on this and add new measures inside their operating rooms to both offer maximum security to the patient and to bring in more customers who may not have felt confident of walking into such an environment. This required staff training and investment in professional cleaners.


Whilst there is some advertising which is done by plastic surgeons, what we often see amongst the very best is that their reputations do the advertising for them. This has been something which of course has changed this year because given the lost income of so many clinics, they have had to take the opportunity to advertise online, to encourage clients to use the business. We have seen clinics here offer promotions and deals to bring customers through their doors, on a scale which we have not seen before.

Ultimately plastic surgeons here in Chicago have had to scrape through the year using creativity and taking tough decisions, much like many other businesses here. The hope is that as we move towards being fully open, that business will soon be back to where it was.