Best Flooring Choices For Our Pets

August 3, 2021 , In: DIY / Home Improvement , With: No Comments

When it comes to our dogs, we spare no expense in ensuring we and our fluffy friends live happily and harmoniously. This unconditional love naturally extends to our dogs’ health, the food we purchase for them, medical care and pet insurance, and other pet health expenses. One topic not every pet parent may consider when bringing an animal into the family is the type of flooring in our homes.

When it comes to our interior, flooring is the obvious component that is likely to take the heaviest beating from them and therefore our flooring choice becomes important. So what are the best flooring options for our little fury ones?

Practicality and Maintenance

When you have pets, both practicality and maintenance nearly always need to be prioritised. Although fluffy carpets may seem appealing, they wont last five minutes looking like that with a dog running about. So with this in mind, we would say that luxury vinyl tiles is by far the best option for our pets. This is due to its water, scratch and stain proof properties, likely to fight off anything it comes into contact with, even if your pets unfortunately do their business on it! Laminate is another worthy contender too, being scratch, stain and water resistant too, a cheap option too!

Both of these choices are very easy to keep clean too, with only a sweep and a mop a couple of times a week necessary. You don’t even need to purchase specialist floor cleaner to combat paw prints either.

Wood flooring is not a bad option too, as you can sand and refinish it to remove any damage such as scratches from pet’s claws. 


Another important factor to consider, the last thing we want to do is splash out on a new flooring every few years! It is better to spend a little more on a good quality flooring and for it to last a decent amount of time, especially if you have pets adding to the foot traffic! With this being said, solid wood is probably the most durable, but laminate and luxury vinyl tiles are both very durable too.