Ideas for a Loft Ladder and What to Do with The Space

October 9, 2021 , In: DIY / Home Improvement , With: No Comments

For many years the loft was just a dark and somewhat scary place where the Christmas decorations and the children’s memory boxes were stored. Over the last couple of decades however, homeowners have been unlocking this space in the house and repurposing it for a livable and enjoyable space. When it comes to this room of the home in particular, there really is a world of possibilities out there as to what to do with this space. For some ideas for a loft ladder and how to use the space, check out our top picks.

Loft Ladder Ideas

Let’s get started with some ideas which you could entertain as to how to actually get up into the loft. If you are going to turn this into an extra bedroom in the home then you could consider a fixed staircase up to the loft, if you can afford the space. If you plan to make this a cool place to hang then a rigid rope ladder could be just the trick. Another common option which you could consider is a set of ladders which collapse into the loft hatch, unrolling when you open up the hatch.

Tips on Using the Space

Unless your property is crying out for another bedroom, this is going to be a room which can be used however you wish and it is a space which is ripe for creativity. If you have young kids then you turn this place into a cool hideout and a playroom, designed like a little hidden child’s paradise. Alternatively, you could add a window to the roof here and create a star gazers heaven, a place to sit up at night and gaze into the night sky with a telescope, spotting stars and planets as they pass. Another cool option here would be to turn the space into something of a sanctuary for you and your partner, a place to snuggle up and watch some movies in a relaxing space, which feels somewhat separate from the rest of the property.


One thing which most people do with the loft is pick a theme for it, and this is something which just works so well in the space. If you fail to do this then you do run the risk of this place becoming a room of all sorts, which is essentially what it was when it was a loft in the first place. Spend time with your pattern and think about what type of room is going to work best in your property, based on the things that you both like and enjoy doing.

There really is an endless list of options as to how you can turn that old storage space into something far more exciting and creative. If you want some more suggestions then just take a look at some of the images online of what people have done with their lofts, there are some fantastic ideas out there.