4 Ways Manufacturers Are Fighting Costly, Inefficient Bottlenecks

November 17, 2018 , In: Business , With: No Comments

Most businesses work as hard as possible to raise interest in their product and to seek out new customers. But the very demand that makes business possible, exciting, and profitable comes with a downside: if a production line is not carefully designed to meet current need, it can easily fall victim to costly problems like bottlenecks. 

Bottlenecks occur when constraints at certain points in the production process make it difficult to deliver products in a timely way. Bottlenecks are caused by a variety of different factors, but in every case they reduce efficiency and can make it difficult for production operations to stay profitable. 

If bottlenecks are a problem on your production line, here are four ways you can reduce their impact and get rid of them altogether.  

1. Better Communication

Sometimes, bottlenecks are simply a product of a communication breakdown. If workers aren’t talking to each other, and if managers aren’t making sure that their teams are coordinating their efforts, bottlenecks can emerge as a result of genuine good intentions. 

If part of an assembly line is working hard to maximize production, but they aren’t taking into account the fact that another team further down cannot keep up for structural reasons, it is important to step back and reassess how production could be better organized. 

2. More Effective Quality Control Tools

Bottlenecks are often caused by errors in production that are not caught until too late. This can lead to frantic activity on one part of the line while the rest of the factory waits idly for the problem to be fixed. 

Investing in coordinate measurement machine technology designed to provide more accurate measurements and catch potential errors before they become a serious problem for the whole production line is one way to improve quality control and reduce the amount of time spent backtracking to correct errors.  

3. Preventive Maintenance 

In any production line that relies heavily on machines, preventive maintenance is absolutely vital to long-term success. While it can seem like a waste of time and money to fix a machine that is still operating well enough, being proactive about maintenance makes it possible to schedule repairs for low-production times. It also ensures that you won’t face costly dead periods in the middle of production when something finally does break down.  

4. Enhanced Training

For all of its mechanisation, manufacturing is still a labour-intensive sector, and that means that the success or failure of your operation often hangs on how well your workers are able to perform. 

This is especially true when it comes to bottlenecks, which are as often as not a result of human error. If you don’t teach your staff and workforce how to bottlenecks, and train them on best practices that will ensure a smooth, coordinated production process, it will be very difficult to avoid systemic problems down the road. 

Business experts have long argued that removing bottlenecks isn’t just a smart way to do business, but can open up new, previously unimagined opportunities to thoughtful entrepreneurs. This is especially true in manufacturing, where finding shortcuts and cutting inefficiencies is often the only way to get ahead of the competition.

Better communications, improved quality control, preventive maintenance, and enhanced training, are all ways that manufacturers can streamline their process and cut out the bottlenecks holding them back from success.