Types of Dental Crowns and Cost

March 2, 2023 , In: Health & Fitness , With: No Comments

Dental crowns are an excellent solution if you have missing, severely decayed, broken, or badly worn-out teeth. They are also recommended if you have had a root canal, as they add extra strength and support to the affected tooth. But first, what are they?

What are Dental Crowns?

A dental crown is a type of tooth replacement treatment that fits over your existing tooth and provides coverage and protection. Dental crowns are used for restorative and cosmetic purposes, depending on the type of material used. There are several different types of dental crowns, each with its benefits and costs.

Types of Dental Crowns 

There are several options in dental crowns available depending on your individual needs and goals. Generally speaking, there are five common types. 

  1. Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal (PFM) Crowns: $800 – $1,500+ 

Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns are the most common type of dental crown. They provide the most robust material combined with a natural-looking aesthetic. The metal component makes these crowns highly durable and long-lasting, while the porcelain portion gives them a beautiful look that blends perfectly with your smile.

  1. All-Ceramic or All-Porcelain Crowns: $800 – $2000+ 

If you’re looking for a more natural alternative to PFM crowns, all ceramic or all porcelain crowns could be your best bet. They are made entirely from porcelain, making them highly life-like and aesthetically pleasing for those who want a more natural look. They require more upkeep than PFM crowns but are worth it for those prioritizing aesthetics over longevity. 

  1. Zirconia Crowns: $1000 – $3000+ 

Zirconia might be your best option if you’re looking for something more substantial than porcelain fused to metal but still desire a natural look. It provides strength comparable to metal while still being aesthetically pleasing due to its ability to mimic the translucency of tooth enamel. Zirconia is also biocompatible, meaning it won’t cause any irritations or rejections in your mouth like traditional metals might do.  

  1. Gold Crowns: $1000 – $3000+ 

Gold is one of the oldest materials used in dental restorations. It is trendy today due to its durability and longevity compared to other metals, such as silver amalgam or stainless-steel alloys used in traditional restorations like fillings and onlays/inlays. 

Gold has no transparency, unlike PFM or ceramic crowns, so it will likely stand out in your mouth when laughing or speaking if it’s not blended with other types of material, such as composite resin fillings. While this may be an issue for some people, others may prefer the dramatic contrast that gold dental work can create.  

  1. Resin (Composite) Crowns: $150 -$400+ 

Resin (composite) dentistry has been around for decades, but recently it’s become increasingly popular due to its affordability and versatility. 

Composite resin material can be used to restore teeth to their original shape, size, and color, making them ideal as an interim solution until more permanent treatments, such as porcelain veneers. These also come at much lower prices than most other dental restoration types, making them attractive if you need a low-cost solution to restore your smiles. Before your procedure, you may be required to wear a temporary crown. Your dentist will advise you on how to keep the crown in place and maintain the crown. Dentakay dentists advise that  avoiding foods that are sticky or crunchy and carefully cleaning and flossing around the temporary crown are crucial steps in maintaining it.

Steps for Finding the Right Dental Crown

When it comes to finding the right dental crown, there are a few essential things to consider when making your decision. Here are some tips to help you find the perfect crown for you: 

  1. Consult Your Dentist: The best way to determine which dental crown installation is best for you is to consult your dentist. Your dentist should have experience and knowledge about the different types of crowns available and any particular conditions that might factor into your decision. They can also recommend a customized solution based on your individual needs and preferences. 
  2. Research Different Types of Crowns: Before consulting with your dentist, it’s a good idea to research the different types of crowns available. Each type of material offers unique advantages and disadvantages. By researching them, you will be better prepared for your conversation with your dentist. 
  3. Choose the Right Material: Different materials have different qualities regarding strength and durability, so make sure you choose one suitable for your specific case. Your dentist will likely offer several suggestions in this regard. 
  4. Ask about Cost: Dental crowns can vary significantly in cost, so make sure you ask about cost before deciding which one you want. It’s essential to find one that fits your budget and lifestyle needs.
  5. Find Out About Maintenance: Some dental crowns may require more care than others, so ask about maintenance requirements before deciding on a particular type of crown. This information can help ensure that proper care is taken of it throughout its life span. 


Dental crowns have become an essential part of restorative dentistry. They provide a robust restorative option for many dental issues and can bring your smile back to its former glory. With all the different types of crowns, you can find one that fits your lifestyle and budget. 

When looking to make dental crown installation, talk to your dentist about which type of dental crown is right for you. And remember to consider the costs so you can make an informed decision about your smile!