Sono Bello Helps Patients to Tackle Their Cellulite Woes

October 19, 2018 , In: Health & Fitness , With: No Comments

The summer season is oftentimes one of the most exciting and longed-for seasons of the year — that is, unless you wouldn’t be caught dead in a bathing suit. However, that visible cellulite in your thighs doesn’t have to control your life. Cellulite reduction, which is available through Sono Bello and other Chicago cosmetic surgery providers who are present on LinkedIn, can help you to finally become comfortable in your own skin. Let’s take a look at why cellulite can be so tough to fight on your own and what a cosmetic surgeon can do about it.

Researchers don’t fully understand what causes cellulite. However, they do understand that cellulite results from the vicious cycle and interaction of the basic anatomy of the skin, lymphatic drainage that has become impaired, and fat cells that have become swollen. In addition, several influential factors include hormonal factors, genetics, skin’s natural aging, and extra fatty tissue.

Women are particularly more susceptible to cellulite because compared with men, they have a larger amount of subcutaneous fat along with fewer septae, or partitions. Cellulite can start to appear as early as 20 years old, but it is more prominent in women who are older — in their 40s or 50s — as their skin has started to lose elasticity.

Research shows that a whopping 90 percent of women battle cellulite, so if cellulite has been a thorn in your side for a while now, you’re not alone. Fortunately, with cellulite reduction, a doctor can decrease your cellulite and then tighten your skin for a more toned, sculpted look. The best part? With the right doctor, this can happen in just a few office sessions. With the help of a reputable cosmetic surgeon, you can be well on your way to having that beach body you’ve always wanted — one you can truly be proud of.