Dr. Adam Stein Raleigh, NC Answers Your Rhinoplasty FAQs

October 21, 2018 , In: Health & Fitness , With: No Comments

For as long as I can remember my nose has been the least favorite part of my body and for many years I wanted to have a nose correction done. For a number of reasons it wasn’t until last year that I finally decide to take the plunge, and I began to look for surgeons here in Raleigh, NC who could complete the task. After much searching online I found that the surgeon with the highest rating was Dr. Adam Stein Raleigh, NC, who operated out of Stein Plastic Surgery. Those 5 sat reviews were thankfully accurate and Dr. Adam Stein did an absolutely fantastic job in correcting my nose. I was there recently for a check up to make sure that I was in good health following the procedure, and I got the doctor to answer some FAQs which people had been asking me.

What is Rhinoplasty?

Simply put rhinoplasty is a nose job, or more accurately a nose correction. There are over 250,000 of these procedures carried out in the USA each and every year. This is an operation which can decrease or increase the size of the nose and it can also be used to reshape the nose.

How Long Does It Take?

All rhinoplasty surgeries are carried out on an out-patient bass so there will be no need to stay overnight or anything like that. Patients will go straight home once the rhinoplasty has been completed.

Do I Need Anesthesia?

During the rhinoplasty the surgeon will be cutting your nose open which is very painful so you will have the choice between local and general anesthetic. If you opt for local anesthetic then you will be given a very heavy dose, so that you will not feel anything. In most cases general anesthetic is used.

How Long Will Surgery Take?

Each rhinoplasty is different from the one before it and the one after it, but generally speaking the operation will take between one and two hours . This is a procedure which is carried out with great frequency so techniques are now in place to have the operation finished in next to no time at all.


Recovery will take about a week before you are feeling yourself again and most patients are advised to take a week off work. Following the procedure you may have some light nose bleeds and you will have a small bandage over the nose to help it to heal. You may see some slight bruising in the days after the surgery but this will subside as the days go on. It is important to avoid any exercise or heavy lifting in the weeks after the surgery. By the 4th or 5th week after the surgery you can expect to begin to see the results of the surgery as the bruising and swelling will have disappeared.

Any more questions which you have feel free to fire away below.