Best Version Media and Beyond, How to be a Writer

October 20, 2018 , In: Business, Education , With: No Comments

I had wanted to be a writer ever since I was young, reading books by the likes of Hunter S. Thompson, Emily Bronte, Jack Kerouac and William Boroughs, and dreaming that I could one day do the same. As the world changed and the internet came along, I was presented with the perfect chance to become a writer and I was fortunate enough to get a job at Best Version Media. BVM is a company which produces niche, micro tag magazines across the world, and working for them was a wonderful experience. My time at BMV was fun and educational and they have created a great culture there for writers. I am currently working on my first book and I wanted to write a quick blog post on what you should be doing if you also want to be a writer.


It sounds foolish but if you really want to be a writer then you need to be writing, each and every day. It doesn’t matter what you write about, you could re-write the news, write stories, a diary or even write contributions to there publications. The key here is to find your style, find out which voice works best for you and most importantly, to keep practicing so that writing becomes second nature. Writing is just like a muscle and if you don’t use it, you will use it.


I have found blogging to not only be a wonderful way to express myself and practice my writing, but also a good way to be seen by the wider community. A word of advice here, be careful if you are blogging just for your own personal writing purposes and to give yourself some exposure, avoid the bait and switch technique that many bloggers do where they suck you in and then try to sell, that is not what this kind of blog should be for. When blogging, be sure to reach out to others who are blogging about writing too, you may be able to make a great contact or at the very least swap ideas and techniques.


There are many publications who are looking for people to provide contenton a freelance basis, and this is a great opportunity for you to either get featured, or at the very least gain some great feedback. This is exactly what I did with Best Version Media and after reading reviews from others who had worked there, I knew that it was something which I wanted to do. There are literally thousands of publications online that accept content writers to do a piece or two for them, and the more that you get published the more you will learn about yourself, and the more confidence that it will bring you too!

It has never been easier to become a writer than it is now, so be sure to take advantage of that fact.