BCFS Health and Human Services CSD Offers Tips for Helping Foster Kids Transition into Adulthood

October 30, 2021 , In: Education , With: No Comments

Many foster kids are not prepared to become adults and as a result, they often struggle with the transition. This blog will explore what it takes for foster kids to make this transition successfully through the aid of parents and organizations such as BCFS Health and Human Services CSD

Parents and foster agencies should answer key questions about the process of transitioning from being a child in care to becoming an adult. For example, how can we help these youth? And what do parents need to know about fostering and adopting children who come out of care?

Help foster kids prepare for healthy and productive adulthood by showing them how to cook their own meals. Take them shopping, cooking nutritious yet inexpensive staples that are easy-to-make when they’re on their own in the. At BCFS Health and Human Services CSD, the staff recommends foster parents include children early and often in cooking, laundry chores, and other housework. It provides them with the ability to complete these tasks as an adult and gives them the satisfaction of completion. 

Teaching older foster children about finances can help them develop a healthy sense of worth. They need to know that adults have bills and need to save money every month to ensure the electricity, water, and phone bills are paid. Gone are the days where foster parents could wait until their child is grown up before teaching them life skills. It’s essential to start early so the foster kids prepare themselves for adult task like paying rent, buying car insurance, or completing tax forms on time.  

Foster parents can also set high expectations for foster kids. They should discuss options for their future with positivity, so the kids can see a brighter future and know they have support structures in place to help them succeed.