3 Game-Changing Technological Car Innovations

October 19, 2022 , In: Auto , With: No Comments

The vehicle industry is one that never stops progressing and advancing, and this is clear when looking at cars from just 5 years ago and comparing them to now. Companies like Ford and Tesla are dominating the car markets in terms of their on-road developments and technological contributions to the industry.

Elon Musk and Tesla, in particular, have changed what it means to own a car in the modern era, as he continues to implement some of the most fun and interesting tech into the vehicles we drive. No one knows what the future holds for the standard road car, but the following innovations might give us an idea.

Ford Patents External Airbags 

One thing that almost every single car company continuously tries to improve is their own road safety. Everybody knows the dangers that taking to the road brings, but car manufacturers try their best to make each and every trip as safe as possible.

Ford has been the latest company to put its stamp on the safety market by patenting and implementing external airbags into its latest designs and car ideas. These external airbags are not too different from standard inside airbags in that they use pyrotechnics to deploy and inflate when contact is made with an outside force.

However, these external airbags would protect the exterior modelling of your vehicle so that both you and your car stay safe during any collision. This would also soften the blow of the collision for other drivers who may not have external airbags. All in all, this is a great safety innovation for the people at Ford.

Tesla Implements Tesla Vision

Tesla has always been one of the most innovative car companies ever since Elon Musk registered them as a business. In fact, since Tesla entered the picture almost every other car brand has had to mimic their moves in order not to get left completely behind.

The electrical car company is making yet another unprecedented move by ditching the ultrasonic sensor technology that most cars use on the road today for their own in-house sensor technology known as Tesla Vision.

Tesla announced that each and every Tesla model 3 will be fitted with Tesla Vision ultrasound technology which is claimed to be more accurate and dependable than any other sensor technology ever used in the past. Car tech experts will need to try it out for themselves before any judgment can be made, but the future is looking more and more bright for Elon Musk and Tesla.

Closing Thoughts 

These are but two of the latest car tech innovations that have occurred in recent times. They are small yet significant changes that promise to change the way we drive, and the safety we have on the roads. It will be interesting to see how these innovations play out in the real world and whether in time, we can sit back and play at a real money casino Android app while our cars drive for us. Keep an eye out for more car tech news on the site.